GMR Corpoorate Resources: Coronavirus
Look here for updates released from GMR.
This page is for topics related to Human Resources, disinfection and PPE protocols and general information as it affects our industry and the organization on a global scale.
Please be patient as the corporate GMR staff are working around the clock to identify and develop solutions to our unique situations as they evolve.
Local operation solutions are probably the most fluid since our County is experiencing changes that are not impacting other service areas. Because of this, the 'AMR Contra Costa Resources' page is a better reference to our current practices as they apply to our deployment.
Updates will be posted in real-time.
Aug 8 (Strike and single application info updated): Reinstated Childcare Stipend: Reimbursement has been reinstated however there are a couple of rules you need to follow:
Childcare for Essential Workers AND REINSTATED Childcare STIPEND
Effective immediately the GMR Childcare stipend has been reinstated. A couple of rules to remember...
#1 Submit completed applications to Janice.Nath-Studzinski@gmr.net
#2 You must attach a notice of your schools closure with the stipend form upon submission.
#3 One stipend per family, not per crew member or per child.
#4 After 1 application is submitted and approved, the stipend will be paid for each full shift worked Monday-Friday, (If you work strike, please submit your applications, we are finding out from corporate if these are included since the instruction sheet doesn't specify)
#5 Stipends will not be paid out retroactively, please fill out your application ASAP and you will receive them moving forward from the date of approval.Questions? Janice.Nath-Studzinski@gmr.net.
Questions? Janice.Nath-Studzinkski@gmr.net.
Dec 21: GMR Emerging Infectious Disease Updates Website HERE
Dec 21: GMR Pay Practice MEMO HERE
Dec 23: GMR SafeRestart Screening Process and QR Code MEMO HERE
Childcare Stipend Instructions MEMO HERE
Childcare Stipend Application APPLICATION HERE
Dec 15: GMR COVID Resource Website HERE
Aug 24: GMR PPE Policy MEMO HERE
May 19: GMR Proceedure/Non-Medical Mask Communication MEMO HERE
April 23: GMR Charitable Donation/PTO Donation PROCESS AND APPLICATION HERE
March 29: GMR Pay Policy Test Positive LETTER/MEMO
March 29: GMR MAST Assessment TOOL
& Instructional VIDEO LINK
GMR Guidelines for Preperation & Response Rev Mar 4, 2020 MEMO
GMR Message from Leadership VIDEO
GMR Emerging Information on Infectious Diseases WEBSITE
GMR Pay Practice Guide: PTO, Leave without pay, and related topics MEMO